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  • Enter Slide 1 Title Here

    Woody Magazine is a free premium blogger template. This is free for both personal and commercial use. However, you are required to keep the footer links intact which provides due credit to its designers and authors.
    This is slide 1 description. Go to Edit HTML of your blogger blog. Find these sentences. You can replace these sentences with your own words.

  • Enter Slide 2 Title Here

    Woody Magazine is a free premium blogger template. This is free for both personal and commercial use. However, you are required to keep the footer links intact which provides due credit to its designers and authors.
    This is slide 2 description. Go to Edit HTML of your blogger blog. Find these sentences. You can replace these sentences with your own words.

  • Enter Slide 3 Title Here

    Woody Magazine is a free premium blogger template. This is free for both personal and commercial use. However, you are required to keep the footer links intact which provides due credit to its designers and authors.
    This is slide 3 description. Go to Edit HTML of your blogger blog. Find these sentences. You can replace these sentences with your own words.

sábado, 21 de enero de 2017

Opera es un excelente navegador con un soporte inmejorable para los últimos estándares web, rápido, capaz y con una gran cantidad de funciones añadidas.
El mismo motor que Chrome
Opera integra el motor Chromium, el mismo que usa Google Chrome. El uso de Chromium garantiza un rendimiento excelente a la hora de cargar páginas y una estabilidad mayor del navegador.
Entre las funciones extra más destacadas de Opera está el Acceso Rápido (Speed Dial), que permite gestionar de manera muy intuitiva tus páginas favoritas. Puedes seleccionar tus páginas favoritas y verlas en miniatura antes de abrirlas.
sábado, enero 21, 2017   Posted by Profe Obed in with No comments
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